Acupuncture is known to have beneficial effects on fertility disorders.
Acupuncture is known to have beneficial effects on fertility disorders and is very effective in cases of infertility unexplained by modern medicine.
In traditional Chinese medicine, unexplained infertility is caused by a defective reproductive system and can be treated by bringing the body back into balance. When this balance is restored, the reproductive system will be in better condition to conceive.
When used alone or as part of an assisted reproduction treatment, acupuncture increases the chances of pregnancy. Scientific studies show that acupuncture improves the success rate of insemination and in vitro fertilisation (IVF). This traditional Chinese medicine technique will help you to promote ovarian stimulation, increase blood flow to the uterus, nourish the endometrium in preparation for pregnancy and reduce the risk of miscarriage, reduce side effects from medication and reduce stress levels.
Regular monitoring is recommended before, during and after IVF.
During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a multitude of changes, both physiologically and psychologically. Some women may experience these changes without too much discomfort, while others may feel more discomfort. Acupuncture is an interesting option throughout pregnancy to treat certain symptoms.
- Relieve anxiety and distress
- Relieve nausea and vomiting
- Relieve digestive disorders including heartburn and acid reflux
- Treating constipation and haemorrhoids
- Relieving circulatory disorders and leg heaviness
- Relieving lower back pain and sciatica
- Preventing premature delivery
- Encourage foetal turning, in case of breech presentation (sessions between the 32nd and 36th week)
- Facilitate recovery
- Treat post-partum depression (baby blues)
- Treat breastfeeding disorders (lack of milk or too much milk)
Acupuncture is effective in increasing fertility in men, as they do not have a complex hormonal cycle like women.
Acupuncture helps to increase the quality, quantity, and vigour of spermatozoa.
It also treats erectile dysfunction and reduces stress.
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